Monday, August 23, 2021

The Director, Rodah Owiti

I take this opportunity to thank the entire Rodrise fraternity for their collective effort, commitment and determination which has enabled us to be academic giants. Above all, I thank the Almighty God without whose divine intervention and guidance, the dreams and aspirations of this institution would not have been realized. From a small beginning, I have witnessed this institution gradually grow to what it is now. I owe this to hard work and the positive action that each of us has taken towards fulfilling their purpose. Faith in God, which is our foundation, calls for hard work. Yes, its only hard work which will enable the learner to exploit the potential, gifts and talents that God has deposited in them; its only ACTION that will cause our efforts to yield in results. A better future is guaranteed to every pupil who diligently works hard. Hence our motto – Work hard for a better future. May the hard work of each of us be greatly rewarded with much gain! Mrs. Rodah Owiti, Director.